Receiving your pet When your beloved pet passes, you may transport your pet to our facility or we offer transportation of your pet from your veterinary office to our facility.
Individual Cremation An individual cremation provides your pet with his or her own personal cremation area. You may bring in flowers or a special toy to be cremated with your pet. A numbered metal identification tag remains with your pet. The remains are removed from the crematory individually. They are then placed in our standard wooden urn engraved with your pet’s name (or the urn of your choice) and returned to you or your veterinary clinic. Your pet’s remains are typically returned within one week.
A certificate of cremation and memorial paw print are provided.
Communal Cremation A communal cremation involves cremating your pet with a group of animals. The remains of these animals are not separated during the cremation process. The ashes will not be returned to you if you choose this service. The ashes will be scattered respectfully in a privately owned, scenic area at the discretion of the crematory.
Please contact our facility for pricing at (406)837-6250 |